What you need :-
- Windows or Linux based PC
- Android screenlockbypass.apk - Download here: http://www.4shared.com/android/LujcLeDY/securityandroidscreenlockbypas.html
- ADB - Download here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90610771/adb.rar
- Plug the phone into the computer and wait for the drivers to install
- Open a command prompt(windows)/shell(linux) and CD (change directory) to the directory where adb is located and run:
adb install (the directory where screenlockbypass is located.) se.curity.android.screenlockbypass.apk
- Then install any other .apk the same way and the lockscreen should disappear.
- Connect the device to the computer and open a command prompt/shell, CD to the directory where adb is located and run:
adb shell
- You should see a # then run:
busybox mount system
- Then type exit and hit enter.
- Now type:
adb push (the directory where screenlockbypass is located)se.curity.android.screenlockbypass.apk system/app
- Push any other .apk the same way, and when you turn your phone on the lockscreen should pop up for a brief moment and disappear.